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We work together with the Klinika Dzieciaków Chojraków!

At Instream Group, we want to share our time, energy and resources with those in need. Therefore, on Thursday, June 27, we decided to visit children suffering from cancer.

From idea to implementation…

All members of our team immediately agreed to help the youngest. But how to do it so that no child feels left out? LEGO BRICKS! They connect everyone instead of dividing, they increase creativity not only in toddlers but also help them spend time together in a great way. So the choice was obvious, we bought a few sets and went to the hospital to play with the kids.


The Department of Oncology, Hematology and Pediatric Transplantology at the Karol Jonscher Clinical Hospital in Poznań is an extraordinary place where children and young people with cancer find help. Doctors, parents and volunteers support the children in their fight for health. That is why we decided to contribute to this struggle. Such a difficult period, especially for children, means that every, even the smallest thing that distracts them from the disease is valuable.

A child’s smile..

We know that this day will stay with us for a long time, and we will spread the desire to help further. Therefore, if you would like to support the clinic, we are sending you a link to information on how to do it:

We believe that together we will be able to bring more smiles to the faces of children!

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